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Sodium Lactate 60

Rated 3.75 out of 5 based on 4 customer ratings


Sodium Lactate is an excellent emollient in personal care products with strong antimicrobial and humectant properties and is also commonly used in soap making to create a harder bar with better moisture retention and to help prevent cracking.

When used between 1%-5% in lotions and creams Sodium Lactate is a powerful humectant and increases the moisture content of the skin drastically without leaving a sticky or greasy skin-feel. Due to its superior water retention capacity it can be used in rinse-off applications as well, such as hair conditioners or masks.

Use up to a tablespoon per pound (454 grams) of soap oils when making cold process soap to create a harder, longer lasting bar with a fast curing time. It also helps create a creamier bar visually, and eases the de-molding of intricate soap bars.

    Weight 155 g

    132 mL, 250 mL, 500 mL

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